BIBA dont have happy younger life becouse she been in hand of opponents of that line of dog. Thay wont on every way to stop BIBA and roll agains her 3-5 kg heavyer female opponents. They roll against BIBA only best they have, and some CH female of that time. But BIBA all of tham destroyed. BIBA have 10W otc in Roll aganst heavier female opponents in the hands people who don't like her. BIBA has a ACE female quality.
When BIBA have 8 years old she bought by real dogman who take care of she, and go to Markovic yard to breedings. Markovic says that BIBA don't have heat long time and he been little angry on her, and he roll she against good 3kg heavyier female, and BIBA for 50min W otc that roll. After that BIBA go in deserved retire and spend life in Markoviæ yard.
BIBA was ACE female quality, but don't have officialy competition for known reasons
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